
Articles of association of the company
VETO Vereinigung europäischer Tierschutzorganisationen gemeinnützige GmbH

§ 1 Company name, registered office

1. The name of the company is:
VETO Vereinigung europäischer Tierschutzorganisationen gemeinnützige GmbH
2. The company’s registered office is in Neukirchen-Vluyn.

§ 2 Purpose of the company

1. The company exclusively and directly pursues charitable and charitable purposes within the meaning of the “Tax-privileged purposes” section of the tax code.
2. The purpose of the company is promotion
• animal welfare
• the raising of funds for the realization of these tax-privileged purposes by other tax-privileged corporations and corporations under public law.
3. The purpose of the statute is realized in particular by
a. The planning, construction and operation as well as financial support of institutions in Germany and abroad, also by auxiliary persons according to § 57 paragraph 1 sentence 2 AO, for example
• Rescue stations
• foster homes
• animal shelters
• Sanctuaries
for the reception and supply of
• Found animals for which an animal shelter in Germany would receive an annual lump sum payment from the municipality,
• so-called delivery animals, which their owner no longer wants or can keep, for a fee that covers the costs and
for the delivery and mediation of animals living in rescue stations, foster homes, animal shelters and sanctuaries
• for a flat-rate placement fee, graded according to type, age and descent.
The charitable purpose is realized in particular by the fact that in proven emergency situations (proportionate) appropriate treatment and/or care costs for animals can be taken over by the company.
b. the collection of donations for the purchase of animal feed, which is donated to other tax-privileged corporations and corporations under public law in Germany and abroad for the realization of their tax-privileged purposes.
c. Dissemination of the idea of ​​animal protection in words, writing and pictures by:
• Advice for rescue stations, foster homes, animal shelters, sanctuaries
• Promotion of youth animal welfare work
• Representation of interests on the subject of animal protection vis-à-vis national and international parliaments, authorities and institutions.
i.e. The company can also achieve its statutory purposes by forwarding funds and granting grants to other tax-privileged corporations and corporations under public law for use in one or more of the tax-privileged statutory purposes specified in No. 2.
4. Society is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue self-financing purposes. Funds of the company may only be used for statutory purposes. The shareholders may not receive any profit shares or any other benefits from the company’s funds. If you leave the company or if the company is dissolved or if tax-privileged purposes no longer apply, you will not receive back more than the capital shares you have paid in and the fair market value of your contributions in kind. No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the company or by disproportionately high remuneration.
5. In order to achieve these purposes, the company is entitled to acquire the same or similar companies at home and abroad, to participate in such companies, to assume their representation, to set up branches and found subsidiaries.
6. The company is entitled to all actions that appear suitable to directly or indirectly promote the purpose of the company.

§ 3 Duration of the company

1. The company is closed for an indefinite period.
2. The financial year is the calendar year
3. The first financial year is a short year, beginning with the entry and ending on December 31 of this year.

§ 4 Share capital, share

1. The share capital of the company is € 25,000. It is divided into 25,000 shares with serial numbers 1-1,000 with a nominal value of €1 each.
2. All shares No. 1-25,000 takes over as the sole shareholder
Mr. Marco van Dré, Benedensdyk 1, 47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn
3. The capital contribution is to be paid in full in cash immediately.

§ 5 Management and Representation

1. The company has one or more managing directors. If a managing director is appointed, he alone represents the company. If several managing directors are appointed, the company is represented by two managing directors together or by one managing director together with an authorized signatory. One or more managing directors can be granted sole power of representation by resolution of the general meeting.
2. The rights and obligations of the managing directors result from the law and the employment contract.
3. All or individual managing directors can be released from the restrictions of § 181 BGB by resolution of the shareholders’ meeting. The shareholders’ meeting can issue rules of procedure for the managing directors.

§ 6 General Meeting

1. The shareholder decides on all matters of the company. Insofar as they are not expressly assigned to the management.
2. The ordinary shareholders’ meeting, which decides on the approval of the annual financial statements and the use of the balance sheet profit, is to be held by August 30 of the following year. In addition, the shareholders’ meeting must be convened if a shareholder deems it necessary in the interests of the company and in the cases provided for by law.
3. Shareholders’ resolutions can also be passed informally outside of shareholders’ meetings.
4. The shareholders’ meeting can also take place at a location outside of the Federal Republic of Germany. The costs of the shareholders’ meeting are borne by the company.

§ 7 Annual Accounts

1. The annual financial statements (balance sheet and profit and loss account) and, to the extent required by law, the management report must be prepared and signed by the management.
2. The prepared annual financial statements as well as the management report that may have to be prepared are to be presented to the shareholders immediately for the approval of the annual financial statements.
3. The shareholders’ meeting decides on the appropriation of profits.

Section 8 Notices

The announcements that must be made by the company itself are only made in the electronic Federal Gazette.

§ 9 Dissolution, accumulation of assets

1. The shareholders’ meeting decides on the dissolution of the company, unless otherwise provided by law.
2. If the company is dissolved or if tax-privileged purposes no longer apply, the assets of the company, insofar as they exceed the paid-in capital shares of the partners and the fair value of the contributions in kind made by the partners, fall to a legal entity under public law or another tax- Beneficial entity for use in promoting animal welfare.
3. The liquidation of the company is carried out by the managing director of the company, unless the company appoints other liquidators.
4. The shareholders’ meeting can grant one or more liquidators sole power of representation and exemption from the restrictions of § 181 BGB.

§ 10 Formation costs

The founding expenses (costs of notarial certification, entries, announcements, consultations, fees) are borne by the company up to an amount of €300. The shareholder bears any additional costs.